This blog was opened by HER to accomodate her mindless musings and
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She's crazy; she's the girl next door
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Recent posts hey there..prettly long nv blog le..so here i am..... ♥ Haix...Why are we always stuck with exams?..over-f... ♥ haix..wasted the entire week...every morning told ... ♥ heyo..today went back SR in hm clothes...coz after... ♥ hey there..I wasted my weekend away again...3 days... ♥ I'm dead..GONE~~...Anyone wonder how difficult a p... ♥ heya..Firstly..i wana apologise to meihui...coz i ... ♥ hey there..spent a pretty boring weekend..yup..no ... ♥ hey there..didn't manage to go out wif frens to st... ♥ hey..today's PE lesson we checking our CCA's recor... ♥ Credits |
hey there ytd was mid-autumn festival..which happens to fall on my birthday.. yup..thx again to all who wished me happy birthday..a few unexpected wishes frm sum old frens....haha..i sound old huh?...hmm..for the whole weekend i've been eating crabs..i ate crabs on sat wif my family to celebrate my bday...but the crab not nice coz the chilli is to hot...i have to drink water every time i bite my crab..hahhaa..dun haf courage to eat the 2nd piece le.. den ytd went to my aunt's hse..she cook crab for mi too..LOL...veri long nv go her hse le..lyk abt 5 to 6 yrs...only went there when i was in pri sch..haha..really so long la...my aunt so gd to mi la..even give mi hangbao..which she seldom give for my previous birthdays...mayb coz it happens dat she noes it's my bday ytd n she recently won lottery...haha...so gd la.. my aunt live in a bungalow hse la..but she live there quite long le..hmm...1 thing i realised is the bigger ur hse is..the messier n more rubbish it consist...i went up to the 2nd floor... wah~!!... the small lounge outside the rooms r full of toys, comic books n a big car rack for those kind of small cars la...plz la..my cousins all so grown-up le..1 is J1 the other sec 1 le..still play tis kinda toys..hahaha..oh ya..the elder bro ( J1 ) got a brand new sports car..it's BMW..it's under my aunt's name n will b given to him after he got his license... OMG la..he's so lucky n rich la..can get a convertable sports car at such a young age..i'm jealous...but he's prettly hardworking or smart i shall say..he studied in RJ... RJC lehx..imagine me in SRJC?...hahaa...1 heaven 1 earth..haha..okie..i'm not condemning SR la..but it's juz a comparison u see?...hahaha...But beside all those celebrations n stuff..i nv study physics...ya..so i flunk my physics P3 today...haix...i only manage to study the phyiscs of fluid n i did dat part 1st b4 answering another 4 qns..but i only did 3..the last qn i dunno how to do..it's as well as not doing...so i lost 20 marks coz of dat qn...dead la...haix...lucky tml no paper..so can take a short break..LOL..ya... take care every1 & Jia You~!!! = pPpPpP
12:33 PM
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