This blog was opened by HER to accomodate her mindless musings and
random rantings.
She's crazy; she's the girl next door
Deeply in love with Cuties,
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Recent posts hey there..I wasted my weekend away again...3 days... ♥ I'm dead..GONE~~...Anyone wonder how difficult a p... ♥ heya..Firstly..i wana apologise to meihui...coz i ... ♥ hey there..spent a pretty boring weekend..yup..no ... ♥ hey there..didn't manage to go out wif frens to st... ♥ hey..today's PE lesson we checking our CCA's recor... ♥ hihi..haix..nv went to sch today..take MC...not fe... ♥ hihi...Nth much happen last nite..juz dat my famil... ♥ hey there..dunno wad's wrong wif mi tis few days..... ♥ heythese few days i've been in a really bad mood..... ♥ Credits |
heyo.. today went back SR in hm clothes...coz after dat meihui dey all wanna go back xinmin...so we decided to wear hm clothes..den lyk alot of ppl staring at us...mainly coz we're holding a bouquet of flowers..hmm..we've to wait till the end of the concert b4 we pass the flowers to mdm saddiah..n we only bought flowers for saddiah the rest of the tchers haf nth..intented to buy pencil case for them..but we can't find the suitable 1..so no choice.. hmm..expect sum1 to cum back sr..but nv..well.. - no comments - den we went back xinmin..not many ppl of my batch going back..mostly r JCs students..coz poly still got lessons..den those frm poly 1 r graduated last yr...hmm...alot of graduated students...cramped the entire corridor outside the hall..new building..ya..but smaller hall...no 2nd level anymore so can't watch the performances... Actually dun intend to go back xinmin...coz i dun wanna erm..be embarrased?...haha..coz of sth dat happen long ago..n sum1 juz happen to mention to his classmates in AJC...esp to a veri loud-mouth fren of mine who always tease mi whenever he have a chance to...thx ar frankie(the loud-mouth 1)... hmm..saw sum juniors..change alot..really alot..LOL..sum getting prettier..sum matured..sum more shuai...etc..LOL..i tink those who didn't change too much is my batch bah..LOL..or me?..hahahaa..okie..hurt my big toe..internal bleeding..haix...hahaha...
6:42 PM
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